Does Hot Water Kill Fleas?
And Other Solutions

Fleas are not pleasant pests to have around, and you’ll try just about anything to get rid of them. Can you use hot water to kill fleas? Find out and learn other methods you can use.
Does Hot Water Kill Fleas?
Hot water can kill fleas! In fact, they die when exposed to any temperature greater than 95°F. That means throwing flea-infested bedding in the hot wash in your washing machine can help kill them. To put it in perspective, the average person showers in water approximately 105°F. Just because hot water kills fleas doesn’t mean you don’t need to address the problem with special cleaning products.
Other Flea Solutions
- Sprinkle salt and baking soda liberally on your carpet or affected area, and leave it overnight to dehydrate the larvae and eggs. Then vacuum.
- Rid your yard of clutter. Leaf piles, broken plant pots, and old outdoor furniture are all places where fleas can hide and lay eggs.
- Flooding your yard will wash away your flea problems. It drowns (and washes away) the flea larvae and eggs, so the whole life cycle can’t repeat itself. Plus, it also rids your yard of adult flea feces, which is a source of food for the larvae. A good rain can also take care of this, but if the weather is dry and sunny, you won’t want to wait.
- Did the fleas come in on a pet? Follow your vet’s instructions. You’ll most likely be advised to wash your pet with a special shampoo
- Mow your grass to an appropriate height so there are fewer places for the fleas to hide.
- Wash all your clothes and bedding on the highest temperature allowable to help kill eggs.
Call Green Pest Solutions for Flea Help.
Fleas are no match for our pest experts. If your DIY treatments don’t work or if you want to take some preventative measures to stave off another outbreak, please consider giving us a call to schedule a free consultation. Contact us today at 855-312-7157.