Five Things to Know about Carpenter Bees

All bees are not created equal. Do you know what carpenter bees are and what makes them different than other bees? Here are five things you should know:
1. What’s in a Name
Carpenter bees got their name from where they build their nests: in wood. You might find them in trees, your home, your back deck, and other structures. They prefer soft woods that are at least two inches thick.
While they are certainly busy with the wood, here’s the good news: they aren’t eating it! They are simply excavating tunnels, leaving wood shavings outside of their new home.
2. Their Body Shape
The back end of carpenter bees is shiny black, more distinct than bumblebees. They also don’t have a lot of hair, so they don’t have the same fluffy look as their cousins. They grow to be between half an inch to one inch long.
3. Ouch! Who stung me?
Male carpenter bees cannot sting, so if you feel like the distinctive prick from one, it’s a female. But, they only sting when provoked, so you shouldn’t worry too much.
4. They’re on Guard
The males, that is. They stick around the opening of the nest to protect it from flying insects and predators. If you see numerous bees around your home but can’t find a nest, they are likely carpenter bees.
5. Their Life Cycle
Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there. You’ll most likely see carpenter bees during the early spring (which is when they mate) through late summer. They don’t die off in the winter—they are hunkering down in the nests they worked so hard to make in the wood.
Do You Have A Carpenter Bee Problem?
We can help. Contact the pest professionals at Green Pest Solutions. We know the safest way to remove carpenter bees and other stinging pests from your home—inside and out. Give us a call today at 855-312-7157.