How to Get a Cricket Out of Your House

House crickets are large, chirping insects that occasionally enter your home. Like a dripping faucet, the issue with house crickets isn’t necessarily that they cause much damage or pose a health risk. While they can destroy fabrics and carpets, the real issue is that crickets are noisy, and if you can’t find one of these crickets it’s not uncommon to find yourself wide awake all night as you seek it out.
Once a cricket is inside of your home, the only thing you can do is find it and kill it. So the most important strategy for reducing cricket invasions is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place.
Tips for Preventing Cricket Invasions
Cricket prevention starts outside – by using cricket control solutions to decrease the cricket population. Few crickets breed inside of the home and become a serious pest control problem. In general, most crickets only enter the home by accident when a door is open or when a window is cracked. Crickets, like most insects, rely only on instinct, and do not have any consciousness that they’re entering a dangerous place. There are limited ways to prevent crickets, and a few ways to make sure that when you find a cricket they are easier to remove. Cricket prevention strategies include:
- Exclusion – This is the primary cricket pest prevention strategy. Exclusion is the act of moving around your home and making sure that there are no places for a cricket to enter. You or a cricket control expert should walk around every inch of your home and try to find all of the areas that may not be fully sealed, then seal them as best you can. This is an important strategy not only for crickets, but also spiders, flies, and even mosquitoes.
- Crack Removal – Inside of your home, crickets can easily hide in cracks, especially areas that are warm, like the kitchen. If you make sure that all of your cracks are sealed, any cricket that does enter your home will be very easy to find and should be simple to remove.
- Boric Acid – Another strategy is to place boric acid around the areas near your home where crickets and other insects congregate. Boric acid is a natural element that is generally safe for humans but deadly to insects, and any insect that ends on or near boric acid is likely to either be killed or flee immediately.
While it’s best for a cricket exterminator to come to your home and remove as many crickets from your yard as possible, the above tips should also help you make sure that none of those crickets can actually enter your home, and those that do can be eliminated without waiting.
If you’re in the Philadelphia tri-state area and want to find out more about how you can receive $50 off your first cricket control treatment, contact Green Pest today. Our experts are trained to provide top quality cricket removal service, and assist you with any of your pest control needs. Call now.