How Far Can Fleas Jump?
And Other Frequently Asked Questions About This Pest

It’s the phrase no one wants to hear: You have fleas. Unfortunately, this pest comes with a lot of unknowns for homeowners. How did they get inside? Do you have to worry? And how far can fleas jump? It’s important to know the answer to this last question because it’s a clue as to how far they can spread out in your house.
How Far Can Fleas Jump?
Fleas can jump as far as 13″, which is nearly 200 times their body length! Take a look around your home and see how high some of your furniture is from the ground. If it’s 13″ or less, a flea might manage to hop up there.
Other FAQs About Fleas
- Where do fleas live? Fleas find moist, shady, cool places to live. You might find them in unruly parts of your grass, shrubs, leaf piles, and by shady trees. You won’t find them in tidy sunny spots where it gets too hot and there isn’t protection.
- How did fleas get inside? Oftentimes, fleas hitch a ride inside on your dog or cat. But, they aren’t the only mode of transportation inside! You might be the one carting the fleas inside if you walk through the areas of your yard where they live.
- What do you do if your pet gets fleas? If your pet has an infestation, you’ll want to work with your vet to find a solution.
- How do I get rid of fleas inside? A flea infestation requires diligence to get it gone for good. While there are some DIY solutions, your most reliable option is to call the experts at a pest control company like Green Pest Solutions. We know just how to kick them out and prevent another infestation. Our Green Band Protection System takes the common sense approach to control fleas and the uncomfortable bites they cause. It’s how we protect the people, pets, and plants from any ill effects from a pesticide spraying process inside your home. Contact us today at 855-312-7157 for flea control services.