How to Keep Mice Away From Your Bed
Steps You Can Take

Mice come into your home looking for a few things: food, warmth, and water. If you’re not careful, your room might just be the perfect spot for them to call their own home sweet home. While they’re there exploring everything your space has to offer, they could make their way onto your bed. Eek! If this sounds like something out of your nightmares, fortunately there are steps you can take to keep mice away from your bed.
How to Keep Mice Away From Your Bed
- Keep things clean. Your room can provide quite the cozy spot to nest, especially if you frequently leave clothes on the floor, cups on your bedside table, and snacks handy. Once mice discover your untidy room, your bed might be the next stop for exploring. Make your room less inviting to rodents by keeping clothes neatly organized and limited food and drinks in your bedroom.
- Stop eating in bed. Mice are opportunists, so the crumbs left behind on your bed are fair game for mealtime. While it’s smart to keep food completely out of your room, it’s especially essential to stop eating in bed because a mouse’s sensitive nose will lead it right under your covers to the crumbs.
- Raise your bed off of the floor. Did you know mice are impressive jumpers? These petite rodents can jump up to 13″ off the floor. Mattresses measure approximately 8″H to 12″H, making it very possible for mice to hop right up if left on the floor.
- Move your bed away from the wall. Mice are excellent climbers and can run up nearly any rough, vertical surface. If your wall has a little bit of texture, a mouse might be able to make the climb directly up to your bed. Moving your bed just an inch or two away from the wall can make it even harder for a mouse to gain access.
- Avoid creating mouse ladders. Don’t make it easy for mice to make their way onto your bed! Avoid piling things close to your bed, which can create paths for getting to your sleep space.
- Fill cracks and holes in the wall. Did you know mice can fit through holes as small as the size of a dime? Inspect the inside and outside of your home to see if you have any dime-sized cracks or holes in the walls that need to be filled. Bonus: this will also help prevent other pests from invading your space.
- Mouse traps. If you suspect you might have this rodent in your home, don’t give it the opportunity to make its way into your bed. Consider setting mouse traps to stop them in their tracks and prevent them from cozying up with you.
- Call in the pros. At Green Pest Solutions, we believe preventative care is one of the best ways to keep rodents out of your personal space. Call us today to learn about our rodent extermination services and how our preventative programs can help keep pests out of your home.