Steps to Take to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies
Using These Steps

The spotted lanternfly has been a pest control topic of conversation since they showed up in the Northeast United States a few years ago. As it jumps or flies, it resembles a moth, but it’s not related to the familiar winged pest. Spotted lanternflies are planthoppers related to cicadas and aphids. While harmless to humans, they are proving to be incredibly destructive to plants. Feeding on trees and a variety of fruit plants, they are killing plants left and right, leaving farmers, homeowners, and business owners struggling to find a solution. Read on to learn some steps you can take to get rid of spotted lanternflies.
How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies
Step 1: Remove the Eggs
Take care of spotted lanternflies as soon as possible. That means identifying the egg masses and getting rid of them immediately. The egg masses are brown with a seed-like appearance. They are covered in a mud-like paste that keeps them securely in a mass on a tree.
Step 2: Capture and Kill Nymphs
You may have seen some neighbors place bands around their trees. An insect barrier can be used to capture nymphs on high-risk host trees. This sticky band captures the nymphs as they climb the tree to find food. Replace the band every one to two weeks.
Step 3: Address Adults to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies
From June until August, the adults begin to take over. You can control them with an insecticide application.
Step 4: Consider Cutting Down High-Risk Host Plants.
The unfortunate truth is that you might need to remove trees that are at the highest risk for attracting spotted lanternflies. The lanternflies pick out a “tree of heaven” that they take over and eventually kill. Adults prefer willow trees. For nymphs. these trees are usually:
- Willow
- Maple
- Poplar
- Prunus trees
- Apple
- Pine
- Grapevines
Pest Problem? Call the Pros at Green Pest Solutions.
There are many types of pests that can wreak havoc on your home or in your yard. Green Pest Solutions knows how to address all your pest problems. Call us today at 855-312-7157 to schedule a pest control service.