Wasps in Pennsylvania
3 of the Most Common

There are over 150,000 species of wasps in the world and approximately 400 found in North America. Fortunately for those of us in the Northeast United States, we aren’t dealing with that many in our area of the world. So, what wasps might you find in our neck of the woods? Today, we’re reviewing a few of the most common ones found in Pennsylvania.
Wasps in Pennsylvania
- Yellowjackets: These insects have yellow and black heads and patterned abdomens. You can tell them apart from bumblebees who also have the yellow and black coloring because their bodies are sleek and slim in comparison. Yellowjackets are aggressive stingers, and they are most threatening in the fall when their colony starts to die out.
- Bald-faced hornets: Unlike yellowjackets, bald-faced hornets have a white and black coloring. Hornets can aggressive attackers when threatened, although they aren’t likely to bother you without cause. They do not have a barbed stinger, so they can and will sting their victims multiple times in the unfortunate event they feel threatened.
- Paper wasps: Paper wasps get their name from the paper-like hives they create. These wasps tend to avoid humans, but they still sometimes build their nests on structures occupied by people. They are most likely to sting if they feel threatened.
Remember, wasps don’t use a GPS or follow state lines, so you might see a couple of surprise visitors more frequently found in other states!
Call Green Pest Solutions for Stinging Insect Help
Like many pest infestations, the sooner you address a wasp problem, the better, because the colony will continue to grow and become harder to manage. We know just how to handle all of the wasps in Pennsylvania that might interrupt the peace at your home or business. Plus, we can help control good pollinators like bumblebees in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Call us today at 855-312-7157 to learn about our stinging insect services.