5 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe From Pests

When it comes to pest problems, it’s not your family that is most at risk. It’s often your pets. That is because pets have no way of avoiding pests the way humans do, nor are they able to tell humans accurately when they are suffering from pest related issues. For example, while a human can share when they have a spider bite and go to the doctor, a pet will usually shrug it off and live with the pain.
That’s why keeping your pets safe should be one of your top priorities. The following are several tips for ensuring our pets stay safe all summer.
Pet Protection Tips
Use Safe Flea Medication – Not all flea and tick medicines are created equal. Make sure that you’re using a trusted medicine, like Frontline or K9 Advantix. These medicines are generally safe for your pets and protect against both fleas and ticks, so you don’t have to worry as often about your pet’s comfort and safety.
Consider Heartworm Medicine – Similarly, consider heartworm medicine to protect against mosquitoes. The good news is that the Pennsylvania tri-state area isn’t necessarily as prone to heartworm as some areas in the south. But heartworm is one of the few major risks that mosquitoes
Keep Up to Date With Rabies Shots – Perhaps even more important are rabies shots, however. Many people skip the rabies shots because their pet is an indoor animal. But rats and mice – two notorious invaders – are also a rabies risk, and dogs and cats do not always know to avoid these rodents when they see them inside the house. While you may run away when you see a rat, dogs and cats will approach it, and that puts them at risk for bites.
Frequently Mow the Lawn – Ticks are a very real risk for your pets. Make sure you’re using tick control strategies, which include mowing the lawn often, removing firewood and leaf litter, and trimming trees. Landscape maintenance helps a great deal with tick control, and that will help your pet stay safe from tick bites.
Monitor Food – Finally, consider sealing and monitoring your pet food. Dog food, for example, is notorious for getting swarmed with ants or becoming a hiding spot for spiders. By sealing all food and monitoring your pet when they eat it, you can be certain that their food isn’t getting invaded and that they are kept pest free.
Our Green Band Protection system is also a great way to prevent pest problems for your pet all year. This system provides you with perimeter and interior protection against some of the most common pests, and the more your home is safe from pest invasions, the safer your pets are as well.
You may not be able to prevent all pest problems, but you can prevent the worst ones by monitoring your pet, keeping them up to date with their shots, and protecting your home just as you would to protect your family. If you have a pet, strongly consider preventative pest control this year.